3 Ways Landscaping Companies Can Help Curb Tenants’ Allergies


Ah, spring! The flowers are blooming, the trees are budding, and people are sneezing … and coughing… and relentlessly clawing at their bloodshot eyes.

Seasonal allergens are the collective arch-nemesis of the outdoors. Your commercial property’s environment was created with the happiness of your tenants in mind, but if they can barely reach the door due to a sneezing fit, then you might have a problem on your hands.

Luckily, professional landscaping companies can offer you options to help limit the effect of allergies this season.

Some elements to consider:

  • Select the proper trees. Monoecious trees, or those that are both male and female, such as spruces, pines, birches and oaks, shed a tremendous amount of pollen, as do dioecious – or separate-sexed – trees, like poplars, willows, or junipers that are male. These are particularly hazardous to allergy and asthma sufferers. Landscaping companies can assist you in selecting and planting female trees that can lower your property’s exposure to pollen.
  • Choose insect pollinated plants. Like trees, when it comes to flowers that produce allergens, the culprits are generally those that rely on the wind to spread their pollen. Landscaping companies can direct you to insect pollinated varieties for your landscape, instead. The majority of these flowers are bright and beautiful showstoppers, like orchids, daisies, and hydrangeas.
  • Eliminate weeds. Regular mowing services can help prevent the growth of wild weeds around your property, and the allergens they produce. Routine trimming also fosters root strength, which aids in filtering pollutants from your environment. Landscapers will also ensure that areas of bare dirt are covered with mulch, and will fill spaces between bricks and pavers with gravel to discourage weed growth.

GroundsCare Landscape  has years of experience providing seasonal plantings for commercial properties in Maryland and New Jersey, and can help to keep your commercial property’s pollen count at bay. Call us today at 888-588-8451.

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