Love Your Landscape with these 5 Trends in Commercial Landscaping

trends in commercial landscaping

As we all know, February is the shortest month of the year. Before you know it, 28 days will have flown by and it will be time to prepare for March activities. Make sure to take full advantage of each day, so that shortest month can turn into one of your most accomplished months.

Make the most of the warm weather we have been experiencing, and begin fine tuning your lawn and garden with these five trends in commercial landscaping.

  • Water Conversation. Consider drought resistant plants: lavenders, rosemary and juniper are less dependent on water and will not need as much attention. Also, take advantage of the native plants that already grow in your area. These plants will require less upkeep, which will help to save money on water.
  • Green Building. One of the most common trends in commercial landscaping is going green. This includes using more fuel efficient equipment and technology to decrease the pollution being released into the air. Green building allows you to take advantage of your landscape’s natural space so that you are able to be more energy efficient. By using your surroundings to incorporate going outside more, whether that’s creating an area to have meetings on a nice day, or simply a place to disconnect from distractions, this will allow you to preserve the energy being used on a day to day basis.
  • Distinctive Designs. Use simple shapes with cleans lines. Add vibrant and bold colors. This is more appealing to the eye, which will attract more people. It also creates a more interactive environment that promotes a more welcoming appearance rather than the traditional corporate appearance.
  • Versatility. Versatility will allow you to change up the appearance of your landscape whenever you want, in whatever creative way you choose. One way this can be done is through container landscaping, which allows you to change plants and flowers according to season. Changes like these will help bring life to your landscape when it starts to become boring; along with allowing you follow different trends as they begin to change.
  • Multipurpose Properties. This trend in commercial landscaping is targeted more to millennials, but will attract all age groups in the area. A property that is multipurpose will include café areas, entertainment centers, restaurants in walking distances, etc. to provide a more contemporary feel so that the area is more inviting and interactive.

Other ideas to consider are:

  • Using artificial grass which requires less water and maintenance.
  • Changing the lighting to create a more welcoming environment.
  • Adding sitting areas, fountains, sculptures, etc. to make the area more appealing.

With March on its way, your landscape will be ready for spring by following these trends in commercial landscaping.

GroundsCare Landscape appreciates all of our clients and their landscaping ideas. Let us help create the landscape of your dreams with our variety of landscaping options. Call us today at 888-588-8451 for more.

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