5 Ways to Enhance Your Main Entrance Landscaping


As a commercial property owner, one of your primary goals should be helping your tenants and their clientele feel good about coming to work in the morning, and then coming back the next day. Likewise, getting prospects to take that first step across the threshold should not be underestimated. Main entrance landscaping can help you make a lasting first impression.

While redesigning your doorway, consider the following six enhancements.

  • Create a dynamic color scheme with foliage and flowers. Maintain beds of vibrant and sustainable perennials, which can keep interest blooming throughout the year. Feel free to mix it up a bit, too. Plants of varying heights can lend visual appeal. To that end, consider oversized planters and containers to catch the eye and frame your doorway. Innovative use of patterns can go a long way in crafting memorable aesthetic for your main entrance landscaping. A professional landscaper can help plot an arrangement of flowers to resemble your company’s logo.
  • Don’t forget the furniture. Be conscientious and creative at the same time. Employees appreciate a place to sit outdoors during lunchtime or simply when they need a breath of fresh air. Aim for functionality, imbued with character that also complements the aesthetics and architecture of the rest of the building.
  • Pave the way with purpose. Whether brick, flagstone, concrete, or beyond, the walkway leading to your building will quite possibly be your property’s most heavily trafficked path. Ensure that it is clearly marked and maintained, and use this opportunity to infuse personality into what some may consider an otherwise mundane feature. Consider engraved stonework, or even incorporating color into the masonry – it worked for the yellow brick road.
  • Incorporate repeating elements. Tying the design of your entrance to the property’s overall aesthetic creates a compelling, cohesive theme. Consider the mirroring of geometric shapes and color schemes to bring everything together.
  • Lighten up. Your main entrance landscaping should be equally accessible throughout the day and night. Professionally installed landscape lighting can be customized to fit your needs, while increasing safety and adding personality and to your property.

The team at GroundsCare Landscape believes that it’s the small things that make the biggest impact, and our meticulous attention to detail can help you make a grand entrance for your commercial property. Call us today at 888-588-8451.

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