5 Things Snow Removal Companies Should Always Do

snow removal companies

The worst months for severe winter weather are right around the corner for Maryland and New Jersey, leaving many property managers worried about whether or not their snow removal companies will be able to keep up with the ice and snow.

Allay your fears (or confirm them) by asking yourself: “Does my snow removal company…”

  1. Stay ahead of the storm? Snow removal companies that are worth their salt (pun intended) anticipate winter weather; tracking a storm, days in advance, rather than reacting after it hits.
  2. Never make me wait? There’s no time to waste when Mother Nature is dumping inches of snow and ice on your commercial property. A site manager should be at your property, even before you have the chance to call him or her. This is only possible if your snow removal company has local crews in place that can be mobilized at a moment’s notice.
  3. Keep me in the loop? Top-notch snow removal companies give their clients access to the cell phone numbers of upper management and make use of special software programs that allow clients to remotely monitor the progress that’s being made on their commercial property.
  4. Stay on top of cutting-edge best practices for snow and ice management? New technology, methods, and equipment are constantly being developed to make snow and ice management for commercial properties more effective. Professional certifications and affiliations to organizations including the Professional Landcare Network (PLANET), and Snow and Ice Management Associates (SIMA) are a must, in order for snow removal companies to stay ahead of the curve.
  5. Take the proper safety precautions? Safety should be a paramount priority for snow removal companies. That doesn’t just mean meeting the bare minimum requirements under the law, it means being committed to providing ongoing safety training for employees.

How many of these actions is your snow removal company taking? If the answer is less than four, it’s not too late to consider making a switch before winter begins in earnest. Don’t entrust the integrity of your property or the safety of your tenants and visitors to a sub-par snow removal company; call GroundsCare Landscape today at 888-588-8451.

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